Sunday, December 23, 2007

Best of 2007=my friends Part 3

All this blog was ever supposed to be was my favorite records. A bad habit I have is promising to make a tape for someone that I never do. Most of the songs I've written about have appeared on a mixtape, some of them have appeared on nearly ever one I've ever made. Anyway, what that means is that it's sort of superfluous for me to make any sort of year-end list. You already know what it's going to be. But! There are many reasons to have year-end lists and my favorite have always been the ones written by people that didn't spend the whole year writing about music already. So! Here are seven different lists written by people that I love. I hope you have fun reading them.

Liz Rice
I met Liz in Portland when she was working on a project that involved three of my favorite artists: Ashley Macomber, Rich Jacobs, and Matt Leines. They didn't have very much time, and it was a crummy time of year with the rain and cold, but she was so casual. I feel like I laughed relentlessly from the moment they got to town to when we said goodbye. And the piece was amazing, like I don't even know how they were able to do it, and the party to celebrate it was complete excitement. Every time I get an email from Liz she says that I am sweet and like I'm in a movie I speak out loud to the computer screen, "no Liz, you're sweet!"

MY LIST OF FAVORITE RECORDS - these aren't in order - it's hard there are so many bands and different genera of music that I love.

Billy Joel
Billy Squier - Don't Say No (All my record players broke and I was going crazy because I could not understand how all 6 of them would break at the same time. I dragged them into the living room, trying everything I could. Last cry I grabbed Billy Squier (Don't Say No) placed it on my favorite record player and she started playing. Forever grateful to Billy.
Holly Golightly - Slowly But Surely
Patrick Fitzgerald
Roxy Music
Johnny Cash
Willie Nelson
Modest Mouse
The Highwaymen
The Vibrators
The Sunnyboys
La Peste
Generation X
The Cramps
The Lost Boys

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